Saturday, November 22, 2008

Sala Thai

Thursdays are my nights that I spend with "the girls". We generally go out for some sort of ethnic food and watch Grey's Anatomy. The food always tends to be much more satisfying than the show! This past week I was craving Thai realllly reallllly bad. So, we headed out to Sala Thai. It's located in Eastern Market in a historic firehouse. Usually when I'm cravin' Thai it means I'm cravin' pad thai. I think pad thai is the sweet and sour chicken of Thai food. It's the safe selection, except I love pad thai! I like it spicy. Sala Thai's heat factor is pretty high. I once went with the "hot" selection and felt like my lips were going to fall off...I can't imagine what the "On Fire" would feel like! Anyways, I attempted to switch it up a bit and went with the kuoy tiew haeng (or the N3 for those of you who aren't fluent in Thai). It's essential pad thai without the egg and much sloppier due to the fact it's in this liquidy brown sauce. Anyways, I have tried some of the non-noodle dishes at Sala Thai, which I have enjoyed. Overall, Sala Thai is one of the best Thai restaurants in the area and for that reason I give it 3 forks.

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